Healthy Eating 101

We’re more than halfway through January, and your resolution was to eat healthier. How’s it going? Since a good diet is a huge part of living holistically, we’re here to help!
Here are a few pointers on how to eat healthy and give your body and mind the nutrients it craves.
- Drink tons of filtered water. Use your own filter to avoid purchasing bottled water from the store.
- Choose whole grains. Whole grains provide you with more fiber and nutrients.
- Avoid processed foods. Natural foods, prepared fresh, will give you more energy and they’re better for your health.
- Skip the caffeine. If a morning cup of joe is part of your routine, try swapping it out for herbal tea instead.
- Go local. Food that is grown nearby is guaranteed to be fresher than produce transported thousands of miles. Try your neighborhood farmer’s market or join a co-op!
- Choose organic when possible. Organic foods are free of chemicals and are often fresher.
- Go vegetarian more often. Saturated fats, as found in red meat, are best avoided for your health.
- Portion control. It’s easy to continue eating when you aren’t hungry. Put more realistic portions on your plate and stop eating when you’re full!
- Clean your pantry and fridge by checking the nutrition facts for unhealthy ingredients.
- Add supplements to fill in the gaps.
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