Prep Your Skin for Spring

When winter comes, it brings fun things like snow and sweaters and hot chocolate around the fire place. But it also brings strong wind and dry air that lead to dry and itchy skin. If you got flaky skin for Christmas this year, have no fear. Spring is just around the corner! Use these simple tips to get your skin ready for the season.
Scrub Up!
Sometimes your skin needs a full on revival before stepping into spring. Regular exfoliation of dead skin cells is a healthy practice and a great way to bring your skin back to life. For a nice facial scrub, try using Source Vitál’s Fango Facial Scrub or a Citrus Peel. For a full body product, try the Detox Body Scrub or Stress Relief Body Scrub (for extra relaxation).
Cool Down
Most people don’t realize it, but a nice, warm shower can actually cause damage to your skin if the water is too hot (or the shower too long). The heat is tough on skin that has taken a beating all winter long. To give your skin a break, take cool to lukewarm showers.
As we know, moisturizing is an important part of taking care of your skin. And Source Vitál’s facial creams and moisturizers provide a protective barrier while nourishing skin. Treat yourself to some Soothing Cream or an overnight boost with our Night Repair Serum.
Step Out
Springtime means freedom for your whole body, but especially your toes. Being trapped inside socks and boots for months can often make your feet unrecognizable. Before stepping out in that cute pair of sandals, make sure to exfoliate and moisturize. You can also wear socks to bed to keep moisture in. Soon, you’ll be able to put your best feet forward!
Whether your skincare routine got put out in the cold or the winter was just too hard to take, it’s never too late to revive your skin. With the proper care and products, you’ll be ready for spring in no time!
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