Three Wise Men and Aromatherapy

What do the Three Wise Men have to do with Aromatherapy?

From the beginning of recorded time, whether Egyptian, Roman, or Arab countries, Frankincense and Myrrh have long been prized for their healing and sacred properties.

Myrrh symbolizes sacrificial death and purpose.

Frankincense represents life and has been used throughout the Christian, Judaic, and Islamic worlds for centuries in worship.

Gold represents sovereign domain and royalty.

The most well known story for most of us is the Christian tradition which tells of the three kings that  traveled to gift the Christ Child with gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh. For our purposes in Aromatherapy, we are using Amber Styrax, a very thick yellow liquid that has an aromatic sisterhood with Myrrh and Frankincense.

Especially during the holidays, these three scents bring an ancient note to our celebrations and meditations of the spirit of the season. We have excellent versions of all three of these oils:

Also, if you are looking for a seasonal blend, check out our Seasons Diffusion Blend!

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