Happy Birthday, Aries! (March 21-April 19)

Aries is one of the cardinal signs of the zodiac, initiating not only the start of the zodiac calendar, but also the beginning of the spring season. This makes perfect sense, as Aries are naturally born leaders, fiercely independent, and highly competitive. 
Ruled by Mars, Aries love an adventure, can be direct in nature, and are incredibly passionate, diving in to the most challenging situations head-first. The fiery power of the Ram lends to the sometimes quick, dynamic, and confident disposition, and it may be difficult encouraging Aries babies to take a moment to relax and take a deep breath. 

Source Vital’s Must Have’s For The Adventurous Aries

Aromatherapy To Support Your Sign

To encourage a cool and calm demeanor, we recommend selecting our Meditate Roll-On to promote mindfulness, or our Serenity Roll-On to encourage deep relaxation, particularly after a day of confronting their problems head-on. The convenient, on-the-go packaging allows you to take your desired scent with you, wherever you go. We recommend applying to your pulse points to stimulate the imagination and simultaneously keep your head out of the clouds. Try it as your signature scent!
Additionally, you can try diffusing our DIY Aries Essential Oil Blend, combining with a carrier oil of your choice (we love safflower oil), or unscented lotion to support your sign all day long. 
Aries Essential Oil Blend

Analgesic Bath & Body Oil

After long days seeking out adventures, and always being seemingly on-the-go, Aries are in need of some serious TLC. Calm the fire with the cooling, soothing properties of our Analgesic Bath & Body Oil. Birch, Eucalyptus, and Wintergreen essential oils reduce the feelings of inflammation, and provide a revitalized sensation to the skin and muscles. 
You can choose from straight topical use directly onto your sore areas, sprinkle into a bath, or apply directly to your body and step into a bath. Show your feet some love with a comforting reflexology by applying 10-15 drops and massaging in. You can read more about reflexology here. 

Prickly Pear Oil Botanical 

Embrace the confident personality of an Aries by ensuring your skin also radiates confidence! Our Prickly Pear Oil is derived from a spiky desert cactus, leading to a wonderland of skin-loving benefits. Along with prickly pear oil, we’ve combined apricot kernel oil with sunflower and grape seed oils to give your skin an irresistible glow. 
Use several drops in the morning or evening alone, or use it as a booster to your favorite facial moisturizer. For tired eyes, pat a few drops under the eye area to make you look more bright-eyed and fully rested (even if you aren’t!) Need a beauty fix as quick as you are? This multitasking oil can also be used on lips, cuticles, and hair!

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