Spring Cleaning Your Home (And Body) Naturally

There’s just something about warmer, sunnier days that makes you want to deep clean and organize your life. After months of staying indoors, we are looking forward to shedding the excess layers, deep cleaning our homes, and trading bulkier winter routines for simpler spring rituals. 
Ready to emerge from your wintertime cocoon? Here’s how to get your home (and your skin) springtime-ready!

Embrace the DIY Life

We love a DIY moment at Source Vital, and crafting our household cleaners is no exception. It’s important to reach for healthier cleaning alternatives to keep your family safe and embrace mother nature. With just a few minimal ingredients, you can make your natural surface cleaners, without sacrificing efficacy. 

Amazing All-Purpose Cleaner

We love this “do-it-all” cleaner for all sorts of surfaces. Customize with your favorite essential oils or one of our essential oil blends.

1 cup white distilled vinegar

1 cup distilled water

15 drops essential oil (we love our Citrus Essential Oil blend for its clean, fresh, scent.)

You can read more about making DIY cleaning products (and recipes!) here. 

Clear Out Your Beauty Products

Springtime is the perfect time to re-assess your current beauty regimen. However, it goes beyond swapping your rich facial moisturizer for something more lightweight. Here are a few tips for cleaning out your countertop, drawers, or cabinet. 

-Remove anything past its prime. Every beauty product has a shelf life, so look for changes in texture, consistency, smell, or just feel different once applied. It’s far better to get rid of expired products than continue to apply something that can cause contamination, breakouts, or other skin irritations.

-Toss anything you don’t love (or can’t remember the last time you used it.) Your beauty routine should be a fun pampering ritual and self-care. You should love what you’re using, so if it’s no longer serving you, it may be time to let it go.

-Wipe down your product, clean your brushes, and replace all tools. Clean the rims of jars, pumps, and skincare tools (like rollers and gua shas) to reduce the likelihood of bacteria being transferred to your face. Makeup brushes and sponges should also be cleaned with a gentle wash. Replace things like loofahs, nail files, and razors to give you that “fresh start” feeling.

-Vow to buy better. From now on, try to prioritize quality over quantity. Rather than purchasing the latest skincare products, invest your time and money in a few skincare products that are perfect for YOUR needs. Consider buying more sustainable brands, and look for products with cleaner ingredient listings that are kinder to the planet.

Get Your Body Spring-Ready

“Spring Cleaning” isn’t just for your cabinets. Your body could probably use a reset as well. There’s no better time to ensure your skin is healthy, glowy, and smooth. Here are a few ways to get your skin spring-ready.

-Exfoliate. Dry, flaky, skin is so last winter. Reaching for a gentle exfoliator is an easy way to get that instant gratification glow you’re after. For the face, we love our Silt Face Scrub. Collodial freshwater silt, volcanic micro-exfoliants, and coconut-derived charcoal help to give skin a renewed appearance. For the body, our Mint Body Scrub is a refreshing take on a body exfoliant. This scrub will leave your skin feeling smoother, comforted, and refreshed.

-Purify. Feeling sluggish after your winter hibernation? Our Renew Bath and Body Oil is the perfect companion to get your body more in balance. Those dealing with cellulite, obesity, or poor digestion love this combination for purifying and cleansing the body. Rosemary, Cinnamon, Patchouli, and Sage come together to deliver a clean, spicy aroma that enhances the feeling of a light, healthy mind and body. 

What are your favorite spring-cleaning tips? Let us know in the comments!

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