Fall Back: What to do with the Extra Hour

Crisp autumn air, football games, Pumpkin Spice Lattes, boots … ah, there are so many reasons to love the fall.

Perhaps one of the greatest things is that very first day of standard time, when we “fall back” and get an extra hour back in our lives.

We live in a world where we are always asking for more hours in the day – so what can we do with the extra hour? Here are five, hour-long suggestions to make the most of your extra time this fall!

Sleep in … or try to get to bed earlier

According to the Center for Disease Control, over one-third of Americans do not get enough sleep every night. It is recommended that adults get seven hours of sleep, but most are only getting five to six hours. Use the extra hour this fall to fit in some restorative rest time, whether that means sleeping in, going to bed earlier, or just taking an afternoon nap.

Your body and mind will thank you!

Make time for yourself

As we approach the holiday season, every day can feel like a whirlwind. Getting one extra hour gives you a chance to slow down and focus on yourself, if only for 60 minutes.

Instead of packing your extra hour with more chores, errands, or commitments, try to use that time to relax your mind.

Reading a book, spending time outside, practicing meditation, or taking a long, hot soak in the tub are all ways you can calm your mind and focus on some much-needed self-care.

Get moving!

The extra hour means you have more opportunities to work out or get active during the day.

Whether you go to the gym or take a walk around the neighborhood, your hour can be used to move your body, get your blood flowing, and refresh your mind.

Think of exercise as a privilege, not a chore!

Spend time with friends and family

Distant relatives and long-time friends are sometimes hard to keep up with.

Devote your extra hour connecting with a loved one over coffee, a walk, or just a phone call.

Not only will they appreciate it, but you will feel better connected to your network afterward.

Cook and eat a healthy meal

Sometimes the fastest way to get a meal is to stop by a fast food restaurant on the way home. With your extra hour, put forth the effort to plan and cook a healthy meal, one that will make you feel good after eating it!

Your body deserves to be pampered with healthy, nourishing food – many healthy meals can be made with only an hour of preparation.

Try to use your extra hour to focus on your overall well-being. While all of us at Source Vitál believe that self-care should be incorporated into your daily routine, utilizing that “fall back” hour is a great place to start a new routine.

You now have an “extra” hour, so enrich yours.

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